Well, there it is!
After all these years and all the work that went into it, we here at RTF HQ are just smitten with our new license plate! The design has been finalized and we got the OK to share the news with all of you. These new plates will be available at DMV offices in January 2013.
We need to get the word out – let people know it is available. The more plates we sell, the less likely it will be retired.
RTF receives none of the funds from the sale of these plates.
How can I get this plate:There is no special certification needed to get this plate. Simply go to any Colorado DMV office and ask for the Child Loss Awareness Specialty Plate.
What does this plate cost?
The plate is $50 plus whatever the cost is to register your vehicle. RTF opted not to receive a portion of the funds from the sale of these plates. This plate is all about awareness and we didn’t want to associate any fundraising with the project.
Do I need to wait for my renewal date?
No. If you are getting this plate before your tags are scheduled to expire, the amount due to the DMV will be prorated based on how much time you have left on your old registration.
What do I need to bring with me to get my new Child Loss Awareness license plates?
Bring your driver’s license, your vehicle’s current registration, current plates, and your checkbook. That’s all!
I got my plate – now what?
Post a picture of you and your new plate on our facebook page! Let us know who you are honoring with your plate.
Read all about our journey to making a CHILD LOSS AWARENESS license plate available in Colorado:
5/3/2012 – – WE DID IT!!!
Our bill HB12-1131 for Child Loss Awareness License Plates was signed by Governor John Hickenlooper on Thursday, May 3rd at 12:54pm! (did you know they record the exact time a bill is signed?)
It has been a long haul. To think it was FIVE YEARS ago that RTF Board Member Jen Mayes presented the idea of a specialty plate for Child Loss Awareness to the board. We here at RTF want to recognize all the super hard work Jen has done since that day to make this plate a reality for us all. Thank you Jen, and congratulations!!
Special thanks also to our House Sponsor Representative Jeanne Labuda, Senate Sponsor Lois Tochtrop, and all the members of the House and the Senate who supported our bill!
But most of all – THANK YOU!! We needed the support of thousands of Colorado residents to who signed our petition to apply for a plate. Thank you also to the folks who took clipboards and signature sheets out into the world and gathered signatures on our behalf. This was a concerted effort by everyone that has paid off. We’re still waiting for it to sink in around here.
NEXT: For now, we expect the plates to be available in January 2013. We will be working with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles now to finalize the design and make these plates available to everyone. Remember, you don’t have to be up for renewal in order to switch your plates to this one.We’re working hard to bring a Child Loss Awareness License Plate to Colorado! This project has been years in the making, and as a result of your support of our petition, we now have a bill in Congress! Check back here as this page is updated with information about the progress of our House Bill HB12-1131 as it makes its way through the legislature.
05/03/2012 12:54pm – Signed by the Governor
04/27/2012 Sent to the Governor
04/27/2012 Signed by the President of the Senate
04/27/2012 Signed by the Speaker of the House
04/24/2012 Senate Third Reading Passed
04/23/2012 Senate Second Reading Passed
04/19/2012 Senate Second Reading Laid Over Daily – see RTF blog for senate emails.
04/17/2012 Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole
04/10/2012 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations
03/27/2012 Senate Committee on Transportation Refer Unamended to Finance
03/19/2012 Introduced In Senate – Assigned to Transportation
03/15/2012 House Third Reading Passed – 51-14 vote
03/13/2012 House Third Reading Laid Over Daily
03/12/2012 House Second Reading Special Order – Passed with Amendments
03/09/2012 House Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole – 9-4 vote
02/22/2012 House Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations 12-0 Unanimous Approval! Thank you, the committee members have said they got a lot of calls. Your voice is making a difference!
02/16/2012 House Committee on Transportation Refer Unamended to Finance with a 13-0 Unanimous Approval! Thank you to all of you who called the committee members!
01/20/2012 Introduced In House – Assigned to Transportation
FEBRUARY 16, 2012 – Transportation Committee Hearing.
JANUARY 9, 2012 – HB12-1131 is going to Committee! Stay tuned as we update this page for our hearing dates and calls you can make in support of the bill.
OCTOBER 29, 2011 – We have a House Sponsor and a Senate Sponsor! Thank you to Representative Jeanne Labuda for taking our bill as House Sponsor. Also thank you to Senator Lois Tochrop for joining our bill as the Senate Sponsor. We’re on our way!
PHASE II Begins! Do you have a contact in the Colorado Legislature? We could use your help. Please contact us.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 – RTF Director Jen Mayes just dropped off all of our signatures and the DMV says everything looks great! Lots of paperwork and calling of legislators on the list next. After that, the design gets finalized! Woot!
Thank you to each and every one of the more than 3000 people who signed our application forms!! We are so excited. Stay tuned for a sneak peek at the design!!
We have been working with the folks at the Colorado State Department of Motor Vehicles to get our application in place for a new specialty license plate for CHILD LOSS AWARENESS! The image here is not indicative of the actual plate, which has yet to be designed by the state.
WHAT WE NEED: In order to process our application, we must present 3,000 signatures of support. These individual signatures (or printed names) must be made personally by legal residents of CO, whose info can be verified by the DMV (they will spot check the forms). There is no other commitment made when you sign, your signature simply shows your support of the application.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Download a signature page and collect signatures for us. You must then mail the original form back to us and we’ll add it to our application. Each page has room for 50 signatures, but we can accept less per page. So, please help out!
Once we have attained enough signatures of support, the next step is to find someone in the state legislature who will bring our proposal before the Government for voting and approval.
Thanks to RTF Director Jen Mayes for developing this initiative and for spearheading this exciting awareness project.
- All signatures must be made on the RTF form linked below, submissions made in other formats can not be accepted.
- Signatures must be made by legal residents of Colorado, as verifiable by the DMV.
- Address must be the address where vehicles are registered.
- In a family, each person can sign as an individual. (Husband and wife and adult child can be three signatures.)
- You can submit forms with less than 25 signatures. If you are able to get more than 25 signatures, simply use additional copies of the sheet below with lines numbered 1 through 25. (Do not alter the form to begin counting 26+.
Mail forms back to:
Rowan Tree Foundation
PO Box 393
Parker, CO 80134
NOTE: Names will not be used for any other purpose than to accompany the application. We will not add these names to our mailing list, share them, or contact the singees in any way, unless they specifically requested that we do so.
Thank you for helping us reach our goal!